Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A short vid

This was made as a joke with pictures and short vids from holidays but it was never finished. This is an example of how inspiration can be lost so easily. There are just two things wrong with this vid:
  1. I doubt people out of the UK will get the point (or possibly outside Scotland but who cares).
  2. There's a spelling mistake in there somewhere. See if you can find it.

Friday, August 04, 2006

A brief summery: The child has grown too old for toys and now only a hand full of lego men remain. They must escape or face death but there are those whose who will stop at nothing to halt the escape.

Plot: As a child objects can be seen as living things due to imagination. It is this that gave life and souls to the toys. They have lived a life of bliss and immortality. Since the child (or giant one as is the toys' name for the child) sees them as living things, if a toy should die the child can bring them back to life by a mere glance. Thusly the toys live their lives sticking to rules and laws which have kept them safe.
But things are changing. The child has grown up. The time the toys have feared and talked about has come. The child no longer sees them as living beings but lifeless objects. Now if the child sees a toy their life leaves at once. The time known to the toys as "the great clean up" has happened. Only a handful of lego men remain, small and able to hide unseen. They know they must leave before they are seen and meet their doom.
It is not so simple. There are still some who do not except that the end has come and will stop at nothing to make sure that no one disobeys the toy rules layed down long ago.
This film follows the actions of the last group to attempt their escape from the room and thus the house.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Lego film preview of a sort.

Since the film we are making is only a short film it would be nuts to show part of it for it would ruin the whole thing (Rob says). So instead we made this very very short film which shows the sort of cheap animation used and a hint or two about how it was made. This is not a making of film. This film took only an hour and 3/4 to complete.

Click here to watch it.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Land of Rob mock trailer made for a laugh. This one is not like the door of mystery. We made it for because needed something to do. We dragged Rob out of bed and put a short thing together with some stuff from older films we made. It includes Rob, his cat, Sid, the pig, a toy snake, a hand puppet and David. Enjoy.

Oh and if anyone can tell me the name of the song in the background I would be quite pleased. I might as well mention it. After all we don't want to get sued.
Here you can get little vids that we made for fun. All family friendly stuff don't worry.